A light with a purpose

Help change the daily lives of Congolese families and children.

We’re on a mission to raise awareness of the current crisis in the Congo through solar lighting to bring change and a brighter future for the Congolese.

15 million households in the Democratic Republic of the Congo do not have electricity.

We’re on the mission to change that.

60 million

DRC citizens live on less than $1.90 per day.

4th poorest

Ranked the 4th poorest country in the world

15 million

DRC households lack daily electricity





How we help.

Solar Lighting

In the Congo, only 1.6 million of the 10 million households have access to electricity, making it the third-largest population in the world without access to electricity.

With the power of solar lighting, these families have 8 more hours of light per day. This provides them more safety, education access, and family development

Personal Hygiene

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), there is a significant lack of basic human necessities, leaving many families and children without access to items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and feminine hygiene products.

In response to this, we are proud to organize drives to collect these items or donations.

Children’s Development

By providing these valuable tools, we empower young minds to explore their potential, enhance critical thinking skills, and foster a lifelong love for learning. In doing so, we pave the way for a generation that is equipped to face challenges, drive progress, and contribute positively to the development and prosperity of their society.

Together, we can create safe environments for the Congolese

So far, Project Nova has distributed over 2,500 solar lightbulbs in the

We continue to expand this mission to deliver solar lighting and supplies to villages in hopes to make a long-lasting impact for generations to come.

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